To view a list of your appointments, go to the Appointments section, where you can see all your upcoming and past appointments.
If you know you had bookings but can’t see them on your account:
- Make sure you’re logged in with the correct email address:
- On an iOS device: Profile > Account Details.
- On an Android device: Profile > Account & Settings > Account Details.
- On the web: Profile > Account & Settings.
- Ensure you’re logged into the correct country:
- On an iOS device: Profile > Settings.
- On an Android device: Profile > Account & Settings > Settings.
- On the web: In the upper right corner.
If the email and/or country is not correct, log out (Profile > Logout) and log in again using your correct email address and/or changing the country you log into in the upper right corner.
Please note that Booksy doesn't remove any appointments from your account.